Wednesday, November 21, 2007

For my lovely son

My little star, how do you feel these days? what are you thinking about? I'm seeking the answers in your beautiful eyes when they're staring at me.

How do you feel when you wake up and don't find your favorite toys around you in your room?

What do you think of living close to the sea and see the seagulls everyday?

How do you see us these days? Have you ever thought with yourself why they are so strange recently?

What do you think when you see different people: mostly blond, or with narrow eyes, or black ? what do you say to yourself when you see them with their huge black or little fancy dogs?How can you smile to them so kindly when even their language doesn't sound familiar for you?How do you measure and scale love in your little heart?

Don't you miss NANAY with grand ma? Don't you miss hide and seek with grand pa? Don't you miss your chair, your walk'n play, your car seat? don't you miss your first home?

Have you forgotten the past , or you are just pretending so just to make me happy? Are you replacing new things with your old loved ones? How can you do it so kindly and quickly?

How can you be so patient and understanding?How can you have such a great confidence and trust in everything without learning it from me?

I'm just waiting for the day, that great day, that you will chose your own way of life. Now,I can just pray that I would make it easier for you.

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